dimecres, 28 d’abril del 2010


The last 24th of April, Elvira, Laura, Paula, Pau and me went to Barcelona. There, we met with two friends of Barcelona. We watched Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton in the Imax!

The Imax is a great cinema; the screen is of 600 square meters and it was in 3D too! It fascinated me a lot...
Johnny was so close to me! (I wish it were real...)
Well, the day started at the morning... at 9 o'clock we went to Girona for take the train, and to Barcelona!
When we arrived there, Victor (a good friend that lives in BCN) was waiting for us (without him we would have lost).

We went to FNAC, where I bought a book of Johnny Depp ♥
After we walked for the city. We went to a cool street (Carrer Tallers) where there are many things incredibles! (shops of guitars, CDs, gothics objects, gothic's clothes, and a lot of things about characters of some films [the majority of Tim Burton! I wanted to bought a figure of Edward Scissorhands that it was very lovely, but I didn't have money!], but Laura bought a dress so nice.

After that, we went to the statue of Colom, and here we had lunch. And the moment arrived. At 15:30 the peli started, and before enter to the cinema we were excited.

At first I was disappointed with the movie, but I like it although. The 3D is impresionant, and I loved the Chesire cat and I laughed a lot with the hare! Johnny surprised me again in the film... It's really an incredible actor.
And Helena Bonham Carter was incredible too, in the character of the Red Queen!

Definately, I love the story of Alice in Wonderland, and I think that Tim Burton has made a great work, although the film could be better! All passed very fast in the movie...

A dialogue that I love so much of the film: 
Alice -   Dad. I'm going crazy?
Mr. Kingsley: - I'm afraid so. You're enterily bonkers, totally mad. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

Tim Burton: I have wanted to give at Alice my point of madness.

- Some photos of that day:

Big Fish - The River

This video is the end of the film Big Fish, when Edward died. I can't express this with words... No matter how many times I watch this because always makes me cry, and I'm not one of those people who cry easily.

Tim Burton made this film when his father died. In a interview, he explained that him and his father didn't had a good relation, like Edward Bloom and his son Will. He explained that he thinks that isn't a good father either, and I suppose that he's like Edward Bloom:a storyteller who doesn't be the necessary time with their children although he want it.

I think this is the best movie ending I have ever seen... seriously, if I can choose the way that I will die, I choose like Edward Bloom in the film. Is so magic...and how finally he transformed with a big fish, it's a great moment. 

Well, in the video doesn't appear the burial, and this is a great scene too.  In the end of the film, Will Bloom say a quotation that I love so much:  A men tells his stories so many times, that he becomes this stories. They live on after him, and it that way, he becomes inmortal.

Always I heard this quotation, I think about Tim Burton :)

In summary, Big Fish is a great story. And well, I think that would have to exist men like Edward Bloom!

Because all of us have the story of our life... 
and we must to live it.

divendres, 9 d’abril del 2010

My Easter Holidays

The week before Easter holidays, I went to Italy with my classmates. We walked a lot because we visited a lot of things, so whn I arrived at home I was very tired and I slept until six o'clock in the afternoon.

The first days I didn't do anything; it was very relaxing. I bought a new game for my Nintendo DS, and I  played with it a lot (I'm a little freak...) Then, I met my friends and we went to the cinema and we had dinner out.

On Tuesday, my cousin came on home, and we rode our bikes everyday and we walked a lot too. On sunday we went to the beach, but the water still cold!

At night, we always went to get a pizza and we ate it at home. Every night we watched the trilogy the Lord Of the Rings, because we are very good fans of it! The movies are very long, so we took coffe for didn't fall asleep! We started to saw the films very late at night, and the movies finished at 5 or 6 of morning... uff!!

Finally, On Monday we ate the Chocolate Mona, and after that we went to Empuriabrava. It was a relaxing holidays wee, and I had fun with my cousin and my friends.
But I didn't do any homework at Easter... ups!

My cousin in the Porsche of my oncle! We went to take a walk with the car... it's incredible!


In class, I have read about the Pyrenean mountain dog in the magazine Catalonia Today.

They are very shaggy and responsables. They can drive perfectly the sheeps, because they normally grew up alongside the flock from sheeps, with contact of humans, and they learn to do it.

I love animals in general, and I like so much this dogs too, they are very nice! When I see them I want to hug them! :) 
And I think that are a very interesting breed, because they are very intelligents! Moreover, they appear very beautiful in a snowy landscape. There are some photos of them:

In the text, I found some words that I didn't know it, so I found it in the dictionary. The words are:
shaggy: pelut
breed: raça
flock: ramat
alongside: al costat de...
livestock: ramat