divendres, 9 d’abril del 2010


In class, I have read about the Pyrenean mountain dog in the magazine Catalonia Today.

They are very shaggy and responsables. They can drive perfectly the sheeps, because they normally grew up alongside the flock from sheeps, with contact of humans, and they learn to do it.

I love animals in general, and I like so much this dogs too, they are very nice! When I see them I want to hug them! :) 
And I think that are a very interesting breed, because they are very intelligents! Moreover, they appear very beautiful in a snowy landscape. There are some photos of them:

In the text, I found some words that I didn't know it, so I found it in the dictionary. The words are:
shaggy: pelut
breed: raça
flock: ramat
alongside: al costat de...
livestock: ramat

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